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We are always seeking more land to farm with our existing portfolio and to our high standards. Short or long term, permanent pasture to arable we are interested in all offerings and sizes. FBTs, contract farming and share farming are all considered, or any other arrangements to suit the needs and desires of the landlord. Environmental schemes can be maintained or new ones established. Get in touch if you have an opportunity to share.

Potato land
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Every year we seek new land for potatoes to help increase the length of rotation on our own land. These agreements are done on an annual or two-year basis. We can offer an overwinter cover crop before we plant the crop the following spring, this can be grazed or ploughed in to increase the organic matter of the soil. Organic manure can be delivered to site or sourced by the land owner and spread by our team. Self-propelled “bunker” harvesters are used to drastically reduce the amount of traffic in the field during harvest and leave fields level, ready for cultivating. In late, challenging seasons we can offer complimentary seed bed preparations, or take the land on for a two-year agreement and leave you a compaction free, bare stubble the following summer. We work with many farmers on a rotation basis and rotate around their farm over a set number of years. Premiums paid for land with irrigation.

Job vacancies 
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There are currently no full-time positions available on the farm, however keep an eye on our jobs page for any seasonal vacancies or send your CV and details in anyway and they can be saved for future availability. 

Every year there are always a range of seasonal positions available visit the job page for more information on these.

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